There are already 654 users and over 13,435 genealogy profiles with the Cabrera surname on Geni. Explore Cabrera genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Aldonza Alfonso de León (c. 1215-1266), fue una dama leonesa e hija ilegítima del rey Alfonso IX de León y de su amante Aldonza Martínez de Silva.Aldonza Alfonso of León (ca. 1212/ca. 1215-1266), daugh...
Alexa Bliss is an American professional wrestler. She is currently signed to WWE, where she performs under the ring name Alexa Bliss. She is currently inactive due to maternity leave. Bliss' 223-day re...
Procuró Diego de Herrera, luego que se casó con doña Inés Peraza de las Casas, y se vio señor de las islas de Gran Canaria, venirse a ellas, y asistir personalme...
Some of my husband's father's relatives were born in Spain.
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