There are already 69 users and 2,565 genealogy profiles with the Carrick surname on Geni. Explore Carrick genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
15 Jan 1858 Married at New Plymouth, NZ, on 29 July 1857 John Carrick, 3rd son of R. Carrick, Croft House, Halthistle, to Anne Oxenham, eldest daughter of T. Oxenham.Hawera & Normanby Star, 10 June 192...
4 AUGUST 1781 GRENE COUNTY, TNLand grant. “Warrant No. 391” “Know ye that We have granted unto Ann Mills one hundred acres of land lying and being in our County of Green.” Begining [sic] at a hicory St...
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