There are already 265 users and over 10,151 genealogy profiles with the Carver surname on Geni. Explore Carver genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Biography== Ada Nan Decordavilla Carver was born in 1867. Her parents were Rev. Andrew Moore Slayden and Penelope Caroline Mitchell . Ada Nan married Randolph Orville Carver . Together they had the fol...
Please respect the following Encyclopedia Titanica - "Simply because the information is displayed on this web site does not mean it is in the public domain or free to copy, publish or distribute. Much ...
Alice Louise Sargent, dau. of James Willis Sargent and Emma A. Anderson, was b. in Bedford, New Hampshire on Nov. 15,1900. She m. in Manchester, New Hampshire with GEORGE EDWARD CARVER, son of Edward F...
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