The Cherry surname believed to be Norman and may have originated from different sorces, also its has different spellings, for example - Cheri, Cherie, Cherry, Cherryman, Cherriman, Churie, Chyry, but just a few.
Cherry growers, sellers, pickers or dwellers near cherry trees.- Cherries were first imported into Britian from the continent by the Romans and were mainly grown in Kent and the Chiltens although now over 5% of the Cherry people live in Dumfries and Galloway.
Cherry name may have started out as a miss spelling the the old Norse word for one when spelling it in runes it looks like "rie". the De comes from the old Norse word for "the" it looks like DM the M became an E in old the letter from the th sound look like a D in the writing of the runes. the Che is short for Chief. if you look if up the name in 1407 was De Che'rie they where lords of Picardie, Normandy. the Normans or Northmen other wise know as Norsemen came to french in 911 AD under Rollo and took Normandy from the French it is call Normandy for the Northmen. Guillaume in English is William. some of the De Che'rie family were menbers of the Knights Templar , King Charles the IV got a loan of a larger amount of money from the Knights Templar , and did not what to repay it so he talked to the pope and had the Knights Templar ruled outlaws and rounded many of them up and burnt them at the stake. in the early 1400's . some of the of the Knights Templar went to England and became know as the Free Masons. Thomas and Jean De Che'rie left Normandy in 1407 for England.
Cherry surname may also have been a medieval nickname of endearment for somebody with rosy cheeks or even red hair.
Steve Cherry
Ok Steve I see you copy my post from Cherry name may...........1407 for England.
Thomas M Cherry