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  • Abiah Churchill (1756 - d.)
  • Abigail Prather Clark (1817 - 1852)
    Abigail Prather Churchill was the daughter of Samuel Churchill and wife Abigail Pope Oldham. She was born March 19, 1817 at Spring Grove, Jefferson County, Kentucky. She met Meriwether Lewis Clark whil...
  • Abigail Ring (1756 - 1833)
    Abigail (Churchill) Ring (1756 - 1833) Abigail Ring formerly Churchill aka Crosby Born 5 Feb 1756 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusettsmap ANCESTORS ancestors Daughter of Lemuel Churchill and Abigail ...
  • Abigail Wright (1680 - bef.1799)
    Sources# Wethersfield Vital Records, in Connecticut, United States. The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, 1634-1868. "CHURCHILL: Abigail, dau Benjamin & Mary, b Feb 18, 1680"# Wrigh...
  • Abigail Holmes (1726 - 1782)
    GEDCOM Note ===Abigall Rider Massachusetts Births and Christenings Name Abigall Rider Gender Female Birth Date 18 Apr 1726 Birthplace Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts Father's Name Joseph Jr. Rider Mo...

About the Churchill surname


English: habitational name from any of various places named Churchill, for example in Devon, Oxfordshire, Somerset, and Worcestershire. Most were probably originally named with a Celtic element crug ‘hill’ (which early on was reinterpreted as Old English cyrice ‘church’), to which was added Old English hyll ‘hill’.

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