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Citroën Genealogy and Citroën Family History Information

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  • André Gustave Citroën (1878 - 1935)
    Citroen Biography and Legacy * Andre Citroen, French Industrialist, Engineer, Explorer & Entrepreneur * André Citroën - Wikipedia * Books
  • Barend / Baruch Roelof / Raphael Citroën (1808 - 1895)
    The Citroen family were Ashkenazim from Eastern Europe. Jacob Moses Limoenman , the earliest recorded Citroen ancestor, was an itinerant fruit seller. > His son, Barend Roelof Limoenman began as a work...
  • Dorus David Citroën (1860 - 1935)
    ‪A.J. Ayer: A Life, By Ben Rogers Reine Citroen, A.J. Ayer's mother & Dorus Citroen, Minerva Motors Belgium Dorus David Citroen (Amsterdam, 10 april 1860 - Eastbourne, 26 januari 1935) was een Nederla...
  • Flora Citroen (1862 - 1928)
    census 1871 : Samuel Roosnek Relatiesoort: Bruidegom Geslacht: Man Geboorteplaats: Amsterdam Leeftijd: 25 Beroep: Winkelier Vader bruidegom: Meijer Simon Roosnek Geslacht: Man Beroep: venter Moeder bru...
  • Fritz Albert Emanuel Citroen (1905 - 1943)
    bronnen; Oorlogsgravenstichting Erelijst van Gevallenen 1940-1945 Joods Monument > profiel foto

About the Citroën surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Citroën surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Citroën surname.

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