There are already 251 users and over 10,387 genealogy profiles with the Cooley surname on Geni. Explore Cooley genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
on 1 Sep 1656 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. Benjamin died in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, on 29 Nov 1731; he was 75. On 7 Feb 1694/1695 when Benjamin was 37, he married Abigail BAGG, daughter of Jo...
Abilene Cooley married Japhet Chapin and had 4 children: Sarah, Thomas, Hannah & Jonathan. Buried in Springfield Cemetery 171 Maple St., (nearest to Pine St.) Springfield, Hampden, MA Burial: Springfie...
Lieut Abner Cooley Birth: Jan. 22, 1712 Springfield Hampden County Massachusetts, USA Death: Feb. 1, 1788 Sunderland Franklin County Massachusetts, USAHusband of Jerusha Graves Cooley, married Oct 4,...
CHILDREN OF TIMOTHY AND SARAH (LEWIS) COOLEY.132. i. Charlotte, was born August 27, 1821, and died August 14, 1848.133. ii. Elizabeth, was born June 1, 1823, and died July 14, 1856.134. iii. Adeline Th...
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