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  • Agathe Blanck (1876 - aft.1941)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Blanck, Agathe geb. Coutinho geboren am 20. Oktober 1876 in Hamburg/Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in Hamburg DEPORTATION ab Hamburg 25. Oktobe...
  • Amaro Gomes Coutinho (1774 - 1817)
    Amaro Gomes Coutinho (Paraíba, c.1774 — Recife, 21 de agosto de 1817), foi um revolucionário brasileiro. Era coronel do regimento miliciano de brancos. Biografia Era rico proprietário de terras, filh...
  • Amaro de Miranda Coutinho (1675 - 1769)
    PROCESSO DE AMARO DE MIRANDA COUTINHO formas do nome: Amaro de Miranda Estatuto social: cristão-novo Idade: 30 anos Crime/Acusação: judaísmo Cargos, funções, actividades: homem de negócio Naturalidade:...
  • Ana Tenreiro da Cunha (c.1595 - 1657)

About the Coutinho surname

Coutinho is a Portuguese language surname. A diminutive of Couto (Couto means 'enclosed pasture'). From Late Latin cautum, from the past participle of cavere ‘to make safe.' This name is also found in western India, where it was taken by Portuguese colonists.

Some famous Coutinhos:

Afrânio Coutinho, Brazilian literary critic and essayist Alberto Coutinho, American politician António Coutinho, Portuguese immunologist António Alva Rosa Coutinho, Portuguese admiral and political activist Antônio Wilson Vieira Honório, nicknamed Coutinho, Brazilian former footballer Bruno Coutinho, Goan footballer Bruno Coutinho Martins, Brazilian footballer Cláudio Coutinho, Brazilian football manager Diogo Coutinho, Portuguese rugby player Eduardo Coutinho, Brazilian film director Elsimar M. Coutinho, Brazilian gynecologist Gago Coutinho, Portuguese aviator Gino Coutinho, Dutch footballer Henrique da Silva Coutinho, fourth president of the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo José Bezerra Coutinho, Brazilian bishop Philippe Coutinho, Brazilian footballer Rafael Coutinho Barcellos dos Santos, Brazilian footballer Rogério de Assis Silva Coutinho, Brazilian footballer Vasco Fernandes Coutinho (disambiguation) Victor Hugo de Azevedo Coutinho, Portuguese naval officer , politician and professor Vitório Maria de Sousa Coutinho, former Portuguese prime minister