There are already 38 users and 2,598 genealogy profiles with the Curtiss surname on Geni. Explore Curtiss genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Sep. 17, 1732 Durham Middlesex County Connecticut, USA Death: Jun. 17, 1790 Granville Hampden County Massachusetts, USADaughter of James Curtiss and Hannah Coe. Family links: Parents: James Cu...
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Bibliographic information:
Bulletin of Yale University, New Haven I December 1937, Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University Deceased during the Year 1936-1937
Published: NE...
Chloe Curtis was the daughter of Capt. Allin (also spelled Allen/Allyn) Curtis and Ruth Stiles (Torrington). Chloe was born in Woodbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. When she was young, her parents ...
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