Dalton Name Meaning
English: habitational name from any of the various places, for example in Cumbria, County Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, and Yorkshire, named Dalton, from Old English dæl ‘valley’ (see Dale) + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.
English and Irish (of Norman origin): habitational name for someone from Autun (d’Autun) in Seine-et-Loire, France. The place name derives from the Latin form Augustodunum, a compound of the imperial name Augustus + the Gaulish element dun ‘hill’, ‘fort’.
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is there actually a Sarah Jane Dalton alive THAT COULD HAVE writen to Martin Reilly the scientist who claims to have the solution to cure ALZHAIMERs?
This is what shows up in his website under the name of Sarah Jane Dalton comenting about the Memory Repair Protocol by Martin Reilly.
MEMORY REPAIR PROTOCOL reviews: July 7, 2017 Sarah Jane Dalton wrote 5 hours ago Thank you so much for your program. Just 9 weeks ago my own father don’t even recognize me and it was increadibly painful to watch him become so angry and frustrated, unable to make sense of the world anymore. Since I discovered these récipes, the change in my dad has been remarkable.It’s if aswitch has been flicked bacxk on and he’s almost like his old self again! COUL'D THIS BE HER? ONE does not play with peoples filling, so I need to know if it is true that Sarah Jane Dalton lives and wrote this??? PLEASE, reply to me at: areleyiddish@prodigy.net.mx It´s urgent for me, PLEASE, reply, yours ARELE==