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de Brabant Genealogy and de Brabant Family History Information

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  • Gravin Adela Van Leuven van Teisterbant (c.1023 - 1086)
    Adelaide Adele Adele Countess of Orlamunda= = de Betowe Gansemond De LorraineBirth Date 1045 1023 Birth Location Orlamunda,France Picardy,Somme,,France Medlands: äische Stammtafeln[738] sh...
  • Adélaïde de Brabant (aft.1072 - 1158)
    Adelaide of Leuven From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, searchAdelaide of Leuven (died c. 1158) was the wife of Simon I, Duke of Lorraine (1076-1138). She was the daughter of Henr...
  • Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (c.1245 - 1274)
    Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg==* BIRTH: 1244 in Germany* DEATH: June 12, 1274 in St. Elisabethkir, Marburg, Hessen Nassau,Prussia* Marburg, Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf, Hessen, Germany* BURIAL: E...
  • Alix (Adelheid) of Burgundy (c.1230 - bef.1273)
    Adélaïs (Alix) de Bourgogne was the daughter of Hugues IV de Bourgogne, Duc de Bourgogne and Yolande de Dreux. She married Henri III de Brabant, Duc de Brabant, son of Henri II, Duc de Brabant and Mari...
  • Arnold Brandt, heer van Ayshove (Aiseau) en Grobbendonck (c.1412 - c.1487)
    verwierf de heerlijkheid Bouwel in 1437. Bron: * nl.wikipedia... ; * Arent Brant Jansz , heer van Grobbendonk was een achterkleinzoon van een bastaardzoon van Jan de III hertog van Brabant.

About the de Brabant surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Brabant surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Brabant surname.

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