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  • Adeline de Clare (c.1092 - c.1168)
  • Adeliza de Vere (c.1091 - 1163)
    Individual Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adeliza (Alice) De CLARE (AFN: 8XJS-R4) Pedigree Sex: F Family ----...
  • Baroness Adeliza Ann Fitzgilbert DeClare (1069 - 1141)
    ADELISA Fitz Richard de Clare (-[1125/35] or after). She is called Adelidem filiam Ricardi de…prosapia Gifardorum by Orderic Vitalis, who also records her marriage. Her identification as the daughter o...
  • Adeliza (Alice) de Clare, Lady of Tunbridge (c.1115 - 1150)
    Alice (Adeliza) de Tunbridge (Clare)born about 1102 Tunbridge Castle, Kent, Englanddied after 1148 Englandfather:*Richard de Clareborn 1084/90 Hertford, Hertfordshire, Englandchristened Clare, Suffolk,...
  • Adeliza de Claremont (c.1058 - 1117)
    de Clermont . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as husband of "Gillebertus, filius Richardi Anglici"[37]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Giselbertus” m...

About the de Clare surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Clare surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Clare surname.

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