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de Clermont Genealogy and de Clermont Family History Information

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  • Adeliza de Claremont (c.1058 - 1117)
    de Clermont . The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to a sister of "comes Rainaldus" as husband of "Gillebertus, filius Richardi Anglici"[37]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Giselbertus” m...
  • Adèle de Vermandois, comtesse de Vermandois et Valois (c.1057 - 1120)
    Adelais (Adele) de Vermandois (1065-28 Sept 1120/24) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty. Daughter of Heribert IV de Vermandois; married Hugues...
  • Alix de Bréteuïl (b. - c.1197)
    de Breteuil (-after [1195/97], bur Variville). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissam Clarimontis Belvacensis et uxorem Symonis Clarimontis et Emiciam" as the three daughters of ...
  • Annet de Clermont-Gessant (1587 - 1660)
    Fra' Annet de Clermot-Gessant (1587 – 2 June 1660) was the 59th Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta. He only reigned as Grandmaster of the Order in 1660. He was buried in the Chapel of Auve...

About the de Clermont surname

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