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de Kingsley Genealogy and de Kingsley Family History Information

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  • Abigail Sanderson (1725 - c.1807)
    Abigail Kingsley , of Pomfret, Connecticut married as his second wife (intention dated November 6, 1762) to Daniel, son of Thomas Mighill (born about 1710; died in 1777.) He was known in some records a...
  • Abisha Kingsley (1766 - 1859)
  • Alice Gerard (1375 - 1441)
    Alice Boteler1,2* F, b. circa 1385, d. 27 February 1441*Father Sir John Boteler, Baron Warrington, Sheriff of Lancashire3 b. c 1328, d. bt Apr 1399 - Jan 1400 *Mother Alice Plumpton3 b. c 1335, d. a 6 ...
  • Alice Thacher Jones (1608 - 1673)
    "Alice, wife of this Richard Jones, came over in the James in 1635, the same boat Anthony [Thacher] came in. The inventory of her husband's estate refer to her brother Thacher.' " 579Richard Jones' wid...
  • Alison Sutcliffe
    Alison Sutcliffe is a prolific British theatre director who until 2011 was Artistic Director of The Bridge Project at the Bridge House Theatre, Warwick, during which time she created an ensemble theatr...

About the de Kingsley surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Kingsley surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Kingsley surname.

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