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de Longwy Genealogy and de Longwy Family History Information

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  • Adalbert II Longwy, Comte de Haute-Lorraine (c.1000 - 1048)
    (UPPER) NOBILITY.htm:Son of Gerhard/Gerard (d 1045) and Gisela:ADALBERT [Albert] (-killed in battle near Thuin 11 Nov 1048). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertu...
  • Clémence de Foix, duchesse consort de Lorraine (c.1005 - c.1035)
    The family of Adalbert II de LONGWY-METZ and Clémence de FOIX[134959] LONGWY-METZ (de), Adalbert II (..)* married , from France ? (France)FOIX (de), Clémence (..) 1) Étiennette, married about 1040 Guil...
  • Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine (1028 - 1068)
    [ERMENSENDE [de Longwy], daughter of --- . [Ctss de Longwy.] The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa de Longui et de Castris Ermensendis" as wife of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburc...
  • Jacqueline de Longwy, Comtesse de Bar Sur Seine (1520 - 1561)
    Jacqueline de LongwyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJacqueline de Longwy, Countess of Bar-sur-Seine (before 1520- 28 August 1561), Duchess of Montpensier, Dauphine of Auvergne was a French noblewo...
  • Étiennette de Longwy, countess consort of Bourgogne (c.1030 - aft.1088)
    . 1025-d 10/19/1088. Parentage uncertain, with no solid evidence (though many theories). Please see notes. Do not assign parents. Married to Guillaume I Count Palatin of Burgundy (Bourgogne).= = Étienn...

About the de Longwy surname

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