There are already 1,030 users and over 34,029 genealogy profiles with the de Montgomery surname on Geni. Explore de Montgomery genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
GEDCOM Note ===Husband John Harper was founder of Harpersfield, New York. Abigail would marry John Harper in (Christ Church) First Congregational Church of Hopkinton, MA, in 1728. “In 1728, Rev. Samuel...
From: The Eddy Family in America page 34
He [Zachariah] m. (2) Abigail Smith, widow of Dermit Smith (alias Jeremiah, for which Dermit was a common nickname). She d. Sept. 13, 1720 leaving a will, date...
BiographySon of Adam Montgomery and Elizabeth ColquhounFrom Montgomerie, of Braidstane m. da of John Montgomerie of Hessihead [1], 4s.Children:*Hugh Montgomerie*George Montgomerie, Dean of Norwich, Eng...
This profile is from Genealogieonline, a notoriously unreliable family-tree site. There are no sources.
Birth date makes it IMPOSSIBLE he can be the father of a daughter born before he was.
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