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  • --- of the Bavarians (b. - 512)
    The wife of Chloderic the Parricide was an Agilolfing, and a kinswoman of Saint Clothilde, the Burgundian Queen of Clovis the Great. Her ancestry is unknown. She has been speculated as a daughter of:* ...
  • Wife of Leuthard II (deceased)
  • Ada Emily Cattermole (1859 - 1943)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R453680353@ 1871 England Census Operations Inc 1,7619::0 === GEDCOM Source ===The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1871 England Census; Class: RG10; ...
  • Adalhard, count of Paris (c.830 - 890)
    Adalhard de Paris (v. 830 - ap. 890) comte du palais, comte de Paris, marquis de Frioul. (Maison des Girardides).Biographie Adalhard de Paris est le fils du comte Wulfhard[1] de Flavigny et de Suzanne ...
  • Adele Yandall
    Adele Yandall was a New Zealand singer and part of the family group, The Yandall Sisters. The Yandall Sisters were a popular New Zealand-born Samoan all-female singing group of the 1970s, who made a ma...

About the de Paris surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Paris surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Paris surname.

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