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de Rançon Genealogy and de Rançon Family History Information

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  • Aimable de Rançon (1198 - 1269)
  • Assalide de Rançon (c.1210 - d.) ;
  • Bourgogne de Rançon, dame de Fontenay (1120 - c.1169)
    [Medlands] GEOFFROY [II] de Rancon (-1139). The name of his daughter suggests that Geoffroy [III] was the son of Aimery [I] de Rancon and his wife Bourgogne, but the primary source which confirms his...
  • Geoffroy III de Rançon, seigneur de Taillebourg (c.1125 - aft.1191)
    Geoffrey de Rancon III of Rancon was a French army commander who lived in the 12th century. He was also Lord of Taillebourg.[1] He served as Eleanor of Aquitaine's army commander during the Second Crus...
  • Isabelle de Lusignan (1234 - aft.1314)
    Isabelle de Lusignan was born on 1234 in Angouleme, Charent, France to Hugh X De Lusignan, Count de la March and Isabella D'Angouleme. Isabelle married (1.) Geoffrey de Rancon, Seigneur de Taillebourg ...

About the de Rançon surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Rançon surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Rançon surname.

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