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de Urgell Genealogy and de Urgell Family History Information

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  • Adelaida de Besalú, comtessa consort d'Empúries (bef.1025 - d.)
    Ermengol married before 1048 Adelaide, whose family is not known, even if some scholars made her daughter of Guillem I Count of Besalu. She died before May 1055, leaving a daughter:Isabel (died circa 1...
  • Adélaïde de Forcalquier, comtessa de Forcalquier (c.1054 - 1129)
    - i) [ADELAIDE (-1129). The Histoire Générale de Languedoc states that Bouche claimed that Bertrand, son of Comte Guillaume III, inherited Forcalquier from his mother and that he was ancestor of the l...
  • Àlvar I, comte d'Urgell (1239 - 1267)
    Foto del Sepulcro de Álvaro I de Urgel y Cecilia de Foix en The Cloisters, Nueva York.Álvaro I de Urgel (Burgos, 1239 - Foix, 1268), conde de Urgel y vizconde de Áger. Bautizado con el nombre de Rodrig...
  • Contessa Arsenda de Cabrera (c.1105 - d.)
    In 1129, Ermengol married Arsenda de Cabrera, daughter of the viscount Ponç of Àger. Besides his successor, Ermengol VII, he had two daughters with her: Sibylla, who married Ramon Folch, viscount of Ca...

About the de Urgell surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Urgell surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Urgell surname.

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