There are already 42 users and 2,289 genealogy profiles with the Doggett surname on Geni. Explore Doggett genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Alice Doggett was born in England. Alice married Thomas Lappage and had a child: Thomas Lappage II.Alice Doggett was first married to a Mr. Lappadge, first name not known. After his death, Alice marrie...
Alice Brotherton, baptized Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire, 6 March 1602[/3], daughter of Thomas and Ellen (_____) Brotherton; she died by 1667.
Disputed First Name
In 1911, Charles Banks, author o...
E112:8 AMY DOGGETT, dau. of John and Dorothy Doggett; bapt. 16 Jul 1597, Groton, Suffolk, England; d. 20 Aug 1683, Rehoboth, Bristol Co., MA; (this is incorrect) m. abt. 1620, JOHN EDDY, son of Rev.Wil...
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