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Duvall Genealogy and Duvall Family History Information

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  • Abigail Elizabeth Duvall (1760 - 1842)
  • Adelina Duvall (c.1220 - c.1284)
    Adelina de Beaumont was the daughter of Margaret de Bohun. She married Hugh Duvall Her son, Robert Duvall, was the 4th great grandfather of Mareen Duvall. This line leads to U.S. Presidents Harry S. Tr...
  • Alexander Duvall (1755 - 1840)
    DUVAL, ALEXANDER, DAR Ancestor #: A035645 * Service: MARYLAND Rank: PATRIOTIC SERVICE * Birth: 4-1-1755 MARYLAND * Death: 6-7-1840 FAYETTE CO PENNSYLVANIA * Service Source: BRUMBAUGH, MD RECS: COL, REV...
  • Alexander Duvall (1710 - d.)
    Children of John and Elizabeth (Jones) Duvall: 11. Alexander Duvall, born Aug. 17, 1710.
  • Alice Hardesty (1718 - 1811)
    Alice Brown b. 2 December 1718 Queen Anne's Parish, Prince George county Maryland, d. 1811- will probated 12 Jul 1811 in Prince George's County Alice was daughter of Mark Browne, b. Abt 1674, Anne Arun...

About the Duvall surname

The surname, Duvall. In my hunts, I have found that name to be spelled in different ways. Examples: DuVall, DuVale, Duvalle, Duvall, Duval, On one occasion, it was spelled Deuel?

The one thing all those various spellings had in common, were they each came from France.

Thought it interesting too, depending on where 'they' had migrated to, seems to have had a role as to the spelling.