Born & raised in Merseyside.
The I-M253 Haplogroup associated with the surname suggests the male line migrated from Scandinavia during the Danish conquest of the 9th and 10th centuries. The Dyson name appeared for the first time in 1316 when John Dyson - or in other records John son of Di - was found living in the small village of Linthwaite. He was named after his mother Dyonisia - or Di - of Linthwaite, a landowner who was hauled before the manor courts for stealing cattle. Other Dyson's appeared in Worcestershire during the 15th century. Whether these Dyson's from two different regions in England are related or not remains unknown. My family has called South Dakota home since 1909. Iowa before that since 1849. Ohio before that since the revolution and Maryland before the revolution.
Born and raised in South Africa
James George Dyson (Deceased, Grandfather), Cape Town, South Africa.
Sons (Uncles) are in Middleburg, South Africa.
Daughter (Maternal mother, Dyson)
I am the only maternal aunt (Scholtz) RJ Scholtz