This last name was originally a typical Scandinavian Patronymic: http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Patronymics It was only introduced as a last name or family name around 1850-1900.
Balázs Déri says :
However it is still possibly that some original Eriksson families descend from Erik one of the first kings of Sweden or of Skandinavia who may be identical with Erik-Hthoni king of Athénai until about 1860 b.c..
Athéna itself and partly Shgandinawia as well like places of settlement of their tribemay have got the name of A-Sha-ya-Na-Wa son of Ganda from kasshú kingdom called also Dán : at-Sha-ya-Wa-Na and of course Sha-Ganda-ya-Nawa. His name reflects in that of Erikhthonios ( Errikshtshoni ) too : Erra-yak-Had-Sha-Wa-Na-ya meaning approximately Erik,the Hadés of Athéna.
His parents were,as stated,Hépháistos (Haya-Wap-Sha-Awayad-Set ) and Gé (Gaya-Wa ) who through him released all gépaida ( gaya-wap-awida ) tribes of later days belonging to the family of Aidés (Awayad ) called also Hadés,Dis and Plutón by different traditions.
As lakandon tribe of Belize is alternatively called hatshwinik ( had-sha-wa-ya-na-yak ) it is likely thatt Erik-Hthoni is identical with Lakandon Nowar-Erri king of Saba who ruled about the same time as he did. He in Saba succeded a certain Aithiops (Awid-Shiwop that is Awayad-Sha-ya-wa-Wap ) who in this case may be the Héphaistos mentioned here.
Even Ush-Bu-Erra of Usun ( Wusun ) from Maaru ruled in those times,and he may be the ancestor of byrushi nation speaking a language related to georgian.
Héphaist (Ha-ya-Wa-Pa-Ha-Wayaset ) might also be in first a name for Ganda releasing all noble tribes of Pohya,and a third Héphaistos son of Talós son of Krés might have been the one who founded Phaistos in Kréta forkru and talo-di tribes coming later from there.
See Svensson,Schwed,Normann,Atyhai,Tausig,Hansen,Larsen,Türk ,Grúz,Görög,Hartl and others !