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There are already 413 genealogy profiles with the ferch Hywel surname on Geni. Join now to find your relatives.

ferch Hywel Genealogy and ferch Hywel Family History Information

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  • Alice ferch Hywel (c.1485 - d.)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Madog Llwyd Siryf (B); (Steven Ferry, February 22, 2024.)
  • Alice ferch Hywel (c.1455 - d.)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Knyll of Knill; & Rhys ap Tewdwr 14 (B); (Steven Ferry, January 12, 2024.)
  • Alice ferch Hywel (c.1430 - d.)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Langford; & Edwin 8; (Steven Ferry, January 14, 2024.)
  • Alice ferch Hywel (c.1485 - d.)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Hywel Gwyn; (Steven Ferry, December 14, 2023.)
  • Alice ferch Hywel (deceased)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Rhys Goch of Talybolion 2 (B2); (Steven Ferry, December 21, 2024.)

About the ferch Hywel surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the ferch Hywel surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the ferch Hywel surname.

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