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  • 1st wife of Geoffrey Fiske (1425 - d.)
    Family Geoffrey Fiske , son of Simon Fiske (b. s 1400, d. bt 22 Dec 1463 - 26 Feb 1464) was born say 1420-1425.3 He died between 3 May 1504 and 13 May 1504.1 He married twice. His first wife is unknow...
  • 1st wife of Simon Fiske (c.1402 - bef.1433)
    Simon Fiske married a first unknown wife according to the latest research published in 2016 in NEHGR.[4] There is no evidence she was Susannah Smyth. Simon was the father of: William, who was livi...
  • Rev. Abel Fiske (1752 - 1802)
    "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 April 2016), Josiah Fisk in entry for Abel Fisk, ; citing , ; FHL microfilm 868,604.Christening at Pepperell, ...
  • Abigail Holt (1680 - 1766)
    "(POORE (Poor)) Abigail, d. Henry, Sept. 9, 1680." "(POOR (Poorr, Pore)) Abygall, and John Fisk, int. Dec. 22, 1710."(2nd) "(Fisk) Abigail, of Boxford, and Thomas Holt, int. Oct. 12, 1727."(2nd) "(Fisk...
  • Abigail Fish (1700 - 1790)
    Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : May 19 2021, 20:47:06 UTC

About the Fiske surname

Many Fisk and Fiske families can trace their lineage to around 1200 to Eastern England, and there are several theories for the ancient origin of the names. One theory suggests that in all probability the Fisk and Fiske names originated in Scandinavia. The name Fisk means fish in Norwegian, Swedish, and Frisian. (In the 5th century the tribe of the Frisians inhabited the whole North Sea coast from the Rhine to the Elbe, and probably exercised some influence on the languages of the other tribes in that area.) Fiske is a Danish alternative spelling for fish. The Vikings invaded eastern England around 800, and many settled there. Many present-day Fisk and Fiske families can trace their roots to the eastern counties of Suffolk and Norfolk in England.

Another theory suggests the original name was Fisc, which is an older form of Fish. Others suggest the name Fisc had to do with tax collection, so they may have been tax collectors.

Yet another theory maintains the names Fisk or Fiske were named after a profession, namely a fisherman, or the name could have come from a place connected with fishing.

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