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Flint Genealogy and Flint Family History Information

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  • Abigail Flint (1667 - 1709)
  • Abigail Flint (1607 - 1689)
    Abigail Bradell* Birth: 1607 - Harby, Leicestershire, , England* Death: Dec 18 1689 - Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States* Husband: Thomas FlintName also seen as Oakes “Thomas Flint died O...
  • Alice Pickering (c.1636 - 1713)
    Alice was arraigned before the Essex County Court, in 1652, for wearing a silk hood; but, proving she was worth 200 pounds was discharged. She subsequently married John Pickering, and lived in a house ...
  • Alice Flint (c.1627 - 1700)
    Alice Williams was born 1608, and died 5 OCT 1700 in Salem, , Essex Co, Mass. She married William Flint 1644, son of (Unknown) Flint. He was born 1603 in Flint, Wales, Gr Britain, and died 2 FEB 1673 i...
  • Amos Flint (1718 - bef.1797)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for NEW HAMPSHIRE. DAR Ancestor #: A039632 PATRIOTIC SERVICESPOUSE: 1) MARY GRAVES, 2) ELIZABETH TREVITTDaughter with Mary Graves: Elizabeth Flint (m. Samuel Herric...

About the Flint surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Flint surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Flint surname.

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