There are already 2,055 users and over 30,878 genealogy profiles with the Flores surname on Geni. Explore Flores genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Alfonsa CARBALLO [872] *was born (date unknown).*Spouse: Juan FLORES. Children were: **1. Capt. Rodrigo FLORES de Valdes. GEDCOM Note ===Código de Referencia: ES.41091.AGI/,539...
Alejandro FLORES de Abrego703 was born (date unknown). Parents: Bernardo FLORES de Abrego and Josepha FERNANDEZ de Castro.Spouse: Ana Maria LOBO GUERRERO. Ana Maria LOBO GUERRERO and Alejandro FLORES d...
. Comes from a strong point of view based on the flower. Strongly situated in northern Spain Asturias.
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