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Foljambe Genealogy and Foljambe Family History Information

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  • Elizabetha & John Leake's daughter's name is unknown (1476 - 1529)
    John Leeke, Esq.1,2,3,4 *M, #48436, b. circa 1452, d. 31 March 1505*Father William Leeke, Esq.5,4 b. c 1418, d. 1458*Mother Katherine Chaworth5,4* John Leeke, Esq. was born circa 1452 at of Sutton, Der...
  • Alice Foljambe (c.1295 - 1318)
  • Alice Foljambe (c.1501 - 1536)
  • Alice Foljambe (c.1262 - 1295)
    Alt birth year: 1269she is the Alice on this tree (link) she can not have been born after 1249 and is the daughter of indeed Gerard Furnival (just not this one) and Maud Lovetot. also states Gerard lef...
  • Alice Plumton (c.1386 - 1416)
    DO NOT CONFUSE WITH ALICE GISBURNE, HER MOTHER-IN-LAW! Alt death year: 1413of Margaret, William, Robert, Alice, Elizabeth, Millicent, and Geoffrey.

About the Foljambe surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Foljambe surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Foljambe surname.

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