There are already 160 users and over 5,230 genealogy profiles with the Franke surname on Geni. Explore Franke genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Agnes Franke Sex: F Birth: ABT 1312 in Alwoodley, Yorkshire, England
Daughter of Nicholas Franke, York and Katherine Ellis
Marriage 1 Sir William Gascoigne b: 1293 in Of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, Englan...
Gerrit Willemse a. 1690 v. Leeuwaarden, Friesland, Noord- Nederland, kalkbrander en veeboer x Kaapstad 9.4.1691 Machteld (Maria) CORNELISSE(N) * Kaapstad c. 1671 d.v. Willem Cornelis(sen) en Maria v. B...
“Der aus Eisleben in Sachsen stammende Müller Friedrich Franke wanderte 1857 nach Brasilien aus, um sich in Rio Pardinho niederzulassen.” esta sepultado com esposa nas terras do genro Hermann Merten S...
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