There are already 356 users and over 18,740 genealogy profiles with the Frey surname on Geni. Explore Frey genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
=Pvt Abraham Frye Sr.=
BIRTH 1722 Virginia, USA
DEATH 1 Feb 1807 (aged 84–85) Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA
BURIAL Burial Details Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 88136638
In early 1492 Dürer travelled to Basel to stay with another brother of Martin Schongauer, the goldsmith Georg. Very soon after his return to Nuremberg, on 7 July 1494, at the age of 23, Dürer was marri...
Alviine Rohtla ( 13. detsember 1897 Viitina vald, Võrumaa – 11. jaanuar 2001 ) oli eesti pikaealine. Ta elas 103- aastaseks. Ei elanud 108!
Eestikeelne Vikipeedia
Sünd vkj 1. detsembril 1897
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