There are already 13 users and 903 genealogy profiles with the Gautreau surname on Geni. Explore Gautreau genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
GEDCOM Source ===The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: ( ); === GEDCOM Source ===accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Adeline Gautreau, pe...
"Acadian Immigrants to Cabanocé/Cabahannocer, 1766" -
In report of Acadians at Newton[sic], MD, Jul 1763, called Amant Gautrot
Cabanocé, La Luisiana census, 1769, listed as Amant Gau...
"Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" -
Sailed to la Luisiana on Le St.-Rémi , age 2
Valenzuela, la Luisiana census, 1788, listed as Anastasie, age 4 ...
"Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" -
At Anse-à-Pinnet, Île St.-Jean, Aug 1752
Deported from Île St.-Jean to St.-Malo, France, aboard one of the Fiv...
"Acadian Immigrants to Cabanocé/Cabahannocer, 1766" -
Cabanocé, La Luisiana census, 1769, listed as Anne Gautherot, age 4
Ascension, La Luisiana census, 1770, listed as Anne Gautrot,...
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