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Gifford of Yester Genealogy and Gifford of Yester Family History Information

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  • Alice Gifford of Yester, Lady Kilmarnock (aft.1346 - 1384)
    Alicia Giffard was the second oldest of the daughters of Hugh Giffard of Yester. She married Thomas Boyd, who was the Lord of Kilmarnock in Ayrshire. Thomas Boyd was living in 1409 (Wood's Peerage), an...
  • Euphemia Gifford of Yester (1350 - 1410)
    - The Makdougals of Makerstoun , Jedburgh. Sir Fergus Maddougal / Macdowlle by charter (1373) knighted by King David II, witnessed a charter to Thomas MacDowall, Head of the Name granting him the famil...
  • Mary Gifford of Yester (c.1355 - d.)
    Mary (Margaret) Giffard, perhaps the youngest of the four Giffard daughters, was the mother of Eustace "Tassy" Maxwell. Less is known on this heiress daughter and her descendants than on any of her thr...

About the Gifford of Yester surname

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