German and Swiss German (also Gläser): occupational name for a glass blower or glazier, from an agent derivative of Middle High German glas ‘glass’. This name is widespread throughout central Europe. Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a glass blower or glazier, from the German word Glaser.
Balázs Déri's opinion :
Ancestor of some of Glaser or Glasier families is likely Ash-Eyer-Galla - perhaps called by irish Glas - son of Che-ya-Peg-ha from the tribe of A'an-Sherra founder of Bawa-te-Ash-Eyer-Galla inhabited not only by his descendants but also by some of A-Sha-Meg-Ra-ya-Na forming finally Peg-Che empire as well as the state of Pegu .
"Jewish" Glasers however may not have directly come from there but perhaps from around Chile where peguan-che tribe lives until today and may possibly be called serrano too to sign their tribal identity of being an offspring of A'an-Sherra,and the occasion by which they came into Europe was in this case the occupation of the Holy Land of America by Rhómans around 52 a.c. and on.
This practically would mean that they are of gallic origin from ancient Eire.
Jews and chritians call them Shual,Tsofakh,'Asher,Beyt-Shual,Shimeon.
See Schwarz,Orbán,Szekeres,Oppenheimer,Serrano !