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Glover Genealogy and Glover Family History Information

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  • 2nd wife of Charles Glover (b. - c.1650)
    Elizabeth, wife of Charles Glover, died in 1647. Charles re-married, divorced in 1649, and his second wife died soon afterwards. Charles then married, for his third wife, the widow Esther Sanders, on 1...
  • Abigail Ellis (1677 - c.1784)
    Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via brother Edward Glover by SmartCopy : Nov 28 2015, 11:50:06 UTC
  • Abigail Glover (1651 - 1651)
    Biography== Abigail Glover was born on April 29, 1651 in New Haven, New Haven Colony. Her parents were Henry Glover, of New Haven and Helena (unknown) Glover . She died on August 20, 1651 in New Haven,...
  • Abigail Burr (1652 - 1721)
    Biography== Abigail (Glover) Burr was born on July 31, 1652 in New Haven, New Haven Colony. Her parents were Henry Glover, of New Haven and Helena (unknown) Glover . Abigail married Daniel Burr . Toget...
  • Abigail Glover (bef.1622 - aft.1655)
    Parents unknown, no known children. Sources link to Robert Charles Anderson, "The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635, "Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003, Vol...

About the Glover surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Glover surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Glover surname.

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