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Gluck Genealogy and Gluck Family History Information

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  • Agosta Augusta Strauss (Strausz) (c.1855 - 1929)
    marriage: STRAUSS, Sandor GLUCK, Auguszta Salamon / - (-) Armin / - (-) 30 17 29-Oct-1872 Pest Budapest Local Gov't Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun - LDS 642975, Vol.31 29-07 death: 1910 Hungarian Marriag...
  • Alma Gluck (1884 - 1938)
    Gluck (May 11, 1884 – October 27, 1938) was a Romanian-born American soprano, one of the world's most famous female singers at the peak of her career (circa 1910).Life and careerGluck was born as Reba ...
  • Anna Magdalena Gluck (1724 - 1790)
    Anna Magdalena Herr Birth: Apr 23 1724 - Hessen, Germany Death: Apr 13 1790 - Stony Run, PA Parents: Peter Herr, Anna Freund Siblings: Peter Herr Husband: Johannes Gluck Children: Maria Eli...
  • Bel Kaufman (1911 - 2014)
    At 100, Still a Teacher - NYTimes Bel Kaufman , best known for her novel Up the Down Staircase and its subsequent film, was born in Berlin, Germany, on May 10, 1911. She is the granddaughter of the gre...
  • Ben Benjamin Gluck
    Ben Gluck is an American storyboard artist, film director, and screenwriter. Gluck was a director and head of story at Disney Animation Studios.

About the Gluck surname

GLUCK, Nettie Adeline