the donica family came from the zareby-koscielne, ostrow mazowieckie area of poland. when the family arrived in america, they took on the names goldstein and donitsa.
Balázs Déri :
Some Goldstein families may constitute part of Unalachtigo ,that is probably Wun-Alachti-Go tribe , called also Unami ,among Lenape or Delaware people ,who in general may well be descended from Lamphion ,son of Easru son of Sru,that is A'as-Sharra son of A-Wa-Sharra-'ale
In this case ,word 'wun'.probably meaning foirst or one in some language,which is not necessasrily a modern dialect ,might be substituted for the sake of German language enviroment with German 'ein' of the same meaning ,so that the surname of tribal origin became Go-Alachti-Ein .
Chiefs of Algwank peoples,as well as of others on the Holy Land of America ,may be deescended from the Inca dynasty of the Southern Empire ,such as for example the Inoka tribe ,and others . Kahokia people might bear the name of Joukahainen from Lapponia ,that is Y'-Ouk-Ka-Ha-A-(inen), a relative of Kalevalainen Vainamöinen and of Lemminkainen,son of Lempi .
Maybe Goldsteins do beling to them as well,while Unami tribe itself may be the issue of Mynés ( Mu-Ina ) , or of somebody else .
See Mountain,Montagnais,Waldner,Serrano,Toscano,Toscani,Toscanini,Schwartz,Tevan,Kaleva,Suomalainen, Seszták,Nowotny,Island,Ladoga,Oniega,Suomi,Lenka,Lenca,Weinhandler,Kostroma,Magyari,MagyarySomalia
and others !