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  • Anna Bárbara Diefenbach (1818 - 1900)
    Chegada em São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em 24.06.1826 (Citado por ROSA, Gilson Justino - C333 p.054, ns.003 a 009) 1.3.4. Anna Bárbara DIEFENBACH *26.12.1818, Gensingem, Alemanha, +Brasi...
  • Anna Catharina Haag (1845 - 1928)
    Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 8 2020, 2:12:54 UTC
  • Anna Maria Haag (1855 - 1931)
    Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jun 8 2020, 2:00:00 UTC
  • Anna Anna Haag (1768 - 1831)
    Geburts- und Taufurkunde==Name: Anna Maria Bruehmueller Geschlecht: Female Geburtsort: Katholisch, Kirrlach, Karlsruhe, Baden Taufdatum: 25 Apr 1768 Taufort: Kirrlach, Karlsruhe, Baden Name des Vaters:...
  • Anna Dorothea Haag (1714 - 1755)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Feb 13 2020, 23:52:05 UTC Anna Dorothea Dieffenbach Born 27 July 1714 - Livingston Manor, Schoharie, New York, United States Baptized 1 August 1714 - New Ann...

About the Haag surname

Den Haag,capital of the Netherlands,might have been founded by members of Denhaaga tribe,
called also Sanhaaga,of Berber language ,who may be descended from E-Den-Nas son ,
Ag-Ha-Shawan-Ma,after whom Axum in Abyssinia might also be named .

His alternative name was A-Shayak-Han-Me,from whom México might have got its name ,
originally in what is now New México,where Dene tribes live,that are the Apache and the
Navaho ,descended from E-Den-Na,or simply Den,the generic ancestor of the Na-Dene.
This is also where Tuaregs called Ta-Meshiq-t ,also in North Africa, may also have their origin .
Also the tribe of Aweillimin-Den is conserving Den's name,among otheres .

Levites of their tribe were of Arya-German language,descended from Ar-Ge-Mar-Rem-Ma ,
and from Amessha-Ha ,the "queen" of Aigypt at the time of the Exodus ,and from his son
Ger-Ras-Sham-Ma ,whose language is ,of course ,still spoken in the Netherlands and in Den-Mark .
Den's tribe's main place was Ale-Shama ,then renamed Den,in the Northern part of the Holy Land
of America..
People of Oga-Den in Somalia thus may also be partially of Na-Dene origin,as may other tribes in
Africa,for instance Den-Bo,and Den-Ka ,and even the Falasha are stated by some to be so .
And,most of all,the Dendi around Gao,called Songhay after Agha-Shawan-Ma .

Ha-De(n)da was the king of A'ad-a-Yam-Ma ,possibly now the Yamamadi tribes ,called also Deni ,
in Amazonia ,in the Southern part of the Holy Land ,but had to go to exile in enemicity with
the king of the capital ,Ed-Daya-Wa-Da ,into Aigypt.
Ha-Dendi-Wa people among the Bejas may be descended from him,as well as the Dendi,
who might have lived in the Song region of China in the meantime .
He might have of part of Dene origin and of part descended from A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,brother of Na-Dene ,
who was called Aidés / Hadés / Dis by antique Helléns and Latins .
His descendant was also A'ara-De-ye-Na ,whose mother was A-Wa-Ra-War-Gaya-Te ,
wife of Ak-Kel-Laya-Bawa ,the Héraklés of Libya ,who may be the ancestor of the Arawa-Deni peoples .
She might have been a Targi ( Te-War-Gaya ) by origin ,that is a Warategaya ,and a Tameshiqt .

See German,Messinger,,Gelbermann,Béarn,Mohorai,Káldi,Dengelegi,Lissauer,Duklauer,Rothberger,
Denkstein,Dendi,Gao,Kulifay,Sonnenschein,Al-Yamani,Mascara,Gyarmati ,Bucurescu,Bolivia,Argentino,
Rotterdam,Hamburg,Hamburger,Burkin,Hannofer,Madrid and others !

Balázs Déri