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Hackman Genealogy and Hackman Family History Information

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  • Anna Hiestand Gingrich (1788 - 1862)
  • Anna Salome Hackman (1891 - 1966)
    Residence: (1900 — Age: 9) Wilmington City, New Castle, Delaware* Residence: (1910 — Age: 19) Martic, Lancaster, Pennsylvania* Residence: (1910 — Age: 19) Martic, Lancaster, Pennsylvania* Residence: (1...
  • Anna Elisabeth Delport (Jurgens) (Hackman) Bode (c.1734 - 1812)
    Baptism of Anna Elisabet delPort 1734 1734 ?: Anna Elisabet den Ouers: Pieter delPort Anna Marais den Doop Getuiggen: Lucas Marais Sara delPort Paarl "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (C...
  • Annie Douts (1857 - 1936)
    Residence: (1870 — Age: 13) Martic, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States Residence: Bethesda, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Burial: Pequea, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA * Residence: (1870 — Age: 13)...
  • Barbara Franklin, U.S. Secretary of Commerce
    Hackman Franklin (born March 19, 1940) is President and Chief Executive Officer of Barbara Franklin Enterprises, a private international consulting firm headquartered in Washington, D.C. She is an advo...

About the Hackman surname

request from Private User

I am Russell Kern Hackman and I have my Hackman family genealogy back to Haans Hagman in Eidberg , Switzerland in 1520. Recently I have found a Hackman family near Helsinki, Finland and I am trying to find a connection. Can anyone help?