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Handler Genealogy and Handler Family History Information

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  • Barbara Joyce Segal
    She is the daughter of Mattel co-founders Elliot and Ruth Handler. The Barbie doll was named after her.
  • Chelsea Handler
    Chelsea Joy Handler== '[1] (born February 25, 1975)[2] is an American comedian, actress, writer, television host, producer, and activist. She hosted the late-night talk show Chelsea Lately on the E! ne...
  • Dobre Hinde Nord (1881 - aft.1938)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Nord, Debora Dobra Hinda geb. Haendler geboren am 23. März 1881 in Dukla/Galizien wohnhaft in Ludwigshafen a. Rhein ABSCHIEBUNG NACH POLEN 28....
  • Elliot Handler (1916 - 2011)
    Elliot Handler cofounded Mattel, Inc. which was named after Handler and his business partner Harold Matson. His wife, Ruth Mosko Handler, took over Matson's role when the Handlers bought out his share ...
  • Father Kenneth Robert Handler, Junior1 (1944 - 1994)
    Kenneth Robert Handler was the son of Barbie doll creator Ruth Mosko Handler and Elliot Handler. The Ken doll was named after him.

About the Handler surname

Molly Handler married Max Nadler from Galicia and went to Montreal in 1909