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  • Alvheim Dagsdottir (c.770 - c.805)
    Noteringar Enligt källa på internet gift med Halvdan av Vestfold, son till Gudröd Veidekonge.
  • Alvhild 'Elfhildis' (c.1000 - c.1040)
    Alfhild (concubine) - kongsmor - (mother of a king) From Wikipedia Magnus I of Norway :>Magnus was the illegitimate son of Olaf II of Norway, later known as Saint Olaf, by his English concubine Alfhild...
  • Anna Martha Sofia Wahlgren (1942 - 2022)
    Anna Martha Sofia Wahlgren (née Karlsson, 6 October 1942 – 7 October 2022) was a Swedish author and public debater. Wahlgren was best known for her book Barnaboken, which was published in 1983. She ...
  • Astrid Olofsdotter av Sverige, Queen of Norway (b. - c.1035)
    Olofsdotter, or possibly Estrid Olofsdotter, (date of birth unknown, d. 1035), was a Norwegian Mediavel queen, queen consort of King Olav II of Norway.---Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopediAstrid Olofs...
  • Bengt Haraldsson (c.1490 - c.1550)
    Han deltog bland frälsemännen på riksdagen i Västerås 1527, då reformationen genomdrevs. Enligt traditionen ska han ha flytt ur landet 1529 tillsammans med brodern, Skaras siste katolske biskop Ma...

About the Haraldsson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Haraldsson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Haraldsson surname.

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