The surname of HAWK was a nickname 'the hawk' - one with a fierce wild or cruel disposition. The name was derived from the Old English HAUOC - a provider of land for hawks. Early records of the name mention HAUOK (without surname) who was listed as a tenant in the Domesday Book of 1086. Many of the early names recorded in medieval documents denote noble families but many also indicate migration from the continent during, and in the wake of, the Norman invasion of 1066. There was a constant stream of merchants, workmen and others arriving in England during this time. In 1086 the Record of Great Inquisition of lands of England, their extent, value, ownership and liabilities was made by order of William The Conquerer. It is known as the Domesday book. Jocelin de Hawke of the County of Lincolnshire was recorded in 1273. Thomas Hauke of Yorkshire was listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax of 1379. William Hawke, B.A. of Oxford, registered at Oxford University in the year 1539. John Hawke was buried at St. Mary Aldermary, London in the year 1577. Edmund Hawke (skinner) and Avice Bishop were married in London in 1601. At first the coat of arms was a practical matter which served a function on the battlefield and in tournaments. With his helmet covering his face, and armour encasing the knight from head to foot, the only means of identification for his followers, was the insignia painted on his shield, and embroidered on his surcoat, the draped and flowing garment worn over the armour. The associated arms are recorded in Sir Bernard Burkes General Armory. Ulster King of Arms in 1884. Registered at Treriven and Altenon, County Cornwall. Granted 1610. It has long been a matter of doubt when the bearing of coats of arms first became hereditary and it was not until the Crusades that Heraldry came into general use. Men went into battle heavily armed and were difficult to recognise. It became the custom for them to adorn their helmets with distinctive crests, and to paint their shields with animals and the like. Coats of arms accompanied the development of surnames, becoming hereditary in the same way.