There are already 406 users and over 13,353 genealogy profiles with the Hayward surname on Geni. Explore Hayward genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Deacon Joseph Hayward, son to Thomas 1 and Susannah Hayward married first, Alice daughter to Elder William Brett, third Hannah Mitchell (daughter of Experience Mitchell)No known children.Note: Anderson...
NEWBERRY, BENJAMIN, Windsor, s. of Thomas of Dorchester, b. in Eng. m. 11 June 1646, Mary, only d. of Matthew Allyn, had Mary, b. 10 Mar. 1648, Sarah, 15 June 1650; Hannah, 22 Dec. 1652, d. at 11 yrs.;...
From English: occupational name for an official who was responsible for protecting land or enclosed forest from damage by animals, poachers, or vandals, from Middle English hay ‘enclosure’ (see Hay 1) + ward ‘guardian’.
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