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  • Anna Maria Hela (1892 - 1931)
    Tampereen tuomiokirkkoseurakunta syntyneet 1890-1893 (AP I C:8) Sivu 446 12.1892 ; SSHY / Viitattu 06.03.2022 Tampereen tuomiokirkkoseurakunta rippikirja 1888-1897 (AP_IV I Aa:24) Sivu 3039 Selan, Sch...
  • Kalle Edvard Halme e. Helander (1877 - 1918)
    Suomen sotasurmat 1914-1922 tietokanta Osapuoli: Punainen / Siviilisääty: naimisissa Lähteet Halme, Kalle Edvard: Suomen sotasurmat 1914–1922: Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 29.08.2020
  • Maj Karin Hela (1889 - 1990)
    Her names are Maj Karin and are swedish names. In her case Maj is not short for "major"!
  • Martti Hela (1890 - 1965)
    Helander muutti Tampereella sukunimensä 'Helander' 12.5.1906 Hela'ksi.
  • Helander (deceased)

About the Helander surname

The family name Helander appears for the first time in Johan Gustaf Andersson's (b. 1823, grandfather of my grandmother Hilda b. Helander) records from 1844-50 when the priest added it to church records (rippikirjat) on top of the traditional name. Around 1850's family names start appearing or become fashionable also for common people. Perhaps JGA followed the example of others and picked up a suitable name? Perhaps he knew someone called Helander? Or the priest may have suggested this surname?

The following is a nice hypothesis, true or false: JGA lived his young adulthood (10-28 years of age) in the Salmi village of Mouhijärvi close to Tupurlanjärvi Lake. By the lake, less than a mile from his home, there is a famous rock Helaakallio, which was an ancient meeting and court place and where bonfires "helavalkeat" were burned in May to celebrate the end of winter. Helaakallio (Hela Rock) must have been a prominent place for Salmi village people and also for JGA in the 1840's when he added the surname Helander to his name. Helander can also be seen as a combination of Hela and JGA'S father's name Anders.