From an unidentified source:
The surname of HELLER was a German nickname from the small medieval coin, known as the haller or heller, because it was first minted at the Swabian town of Schwabisch Hall in the year 1208. It is also a Jewish nickname for a person with fair hair or one who was light complexioned.
notable family members
- Yom Tov Lippman Heller - "Tosfot Yom Tov"
- Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaCohen Heller, auth. "Ketzot HaChoshen"
- Joseph Heller
- Stephen Heller (1813-88) was the Hungarian pianist and composer, born in Budapest. He made his debut as a pianist at nine years old. In 1838 he moved to Paris, where he composed and taught until his death