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  • Dr. Albert Hirschland (1896 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Hirschland, Albert* geboren am 26. November 1896 * in Steinheim/Höxter/Westfalen* wohnhaft in Magdeburg * INTERNIERUNG/INHAFTIERUNG* 00. Mai 1939 Brandenburg...
  • Clara Hirschland (1875 - 1944)
    cf.: Speyer is a brother?
  • Cäcilie (Cilly) Hirschland (1891 - aft.1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Hirschland, Cilli Cilly Cäcilie* geborene Weiss* geboren am 26. Januar 1891 in Mainz / - / Hessen* wohnhaft in Essen* Deportation:* ab Düsseldorf* 22. April ...
  • Erhard Bernhard Mathias Hirschland (1901 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Hirschland, Erhard Bernhard Mathias* geboren am 20. November 1901 in Essen / - / Rheinprovinz* wohnhaft in Essen* Emigration:* 03. Mai 1933, Niederlande* Dep...
  • Frieda Wolff (1891 - aft.1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Bruck, Frieda* geb. Hirschland * geboren am 30. März 1891 * in Steinheim/Höxter/Westfalen* wohnhaft in Magdeburg * DEPORTATION* ab Magdeburg - Potsdam - Berl...

About the Hirschland surname

The name Hirschland was adopted by three brothers in Steinheim, Germany, after the local government required that Jews in the area adopt family names. Previously, the practice was to use one's father's first name as one's last name. This could create problems, such as when Herz Saloman father Salomon Herz, who later adopted the name Hirschland.

The original Hirschlands also all had a connection to Essen, Germany, where Salomon Herz Hirschland, and all his children, moved after his wife died. From Essen, the HIrschlands have spread around the world, with major nexues in the United States and the United Kingdom. For more information about this family, check

There is also believed to be another smaller branch of Christian Hirschlands who may have lived around Berlin, and who predated the Jewish Hirschlands. Not much is known about this family yet.