There are Humphrey family descendants living in Barbados. The originally came from Connecticut. A ship owner ancestor came there in 1630.
Humphrey genealogy includes all historical variants of our surname:
Humphreys, *ies, *ry, *rys, Humphreville, Ho(mn)froi, Hu(mn)frei, Humfr(ei)dis, U(mn)frey, etc.
English: Humphrey, Humfries, Umfrey, etc.
Norman: Honfroi, Homfrei, Omfroi, Amfrey, Umphreville
Old French: Hunfredus, Hunfrei
Scandinavian: Humfriedis, Hunfridis
Linguistics & world history suggest that the "Hun" prefix in many European surnames stem from the invasions & cultural impact of Atilla the Hun in the 5th Century. For example, Hunfredus ="Hun" + "fredus" = "one capable of peace with the Huns"
A Norman derivation: "homme + vrai" = "free man" or "true man"
Norman history indicates that many (Honfroi/Humphrey) families lived in the Cherbourg peninsula, proximate to Saint Lo: St. Andre de Bohon, St. Georges de Bohon, Amfreville, and Neville, near the NE corner of Cherbourg, in the 11th Century.