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About the Jimenez surname

Wikipedia Jimenez

Family Crest

Jiménez [archaic Ximénez/Ximenes] is a surname of Iberian origin, first appearing in the Basque lands. Jiménez is a patronymic construction from the modern-styled given name Jimeno, plus the Spanish suffix -ez, meaning "son [of]". Variants of the surname include the archaic Ximénez, Jimenes, Ximenes, Giménez, Gimenes, as well as Chimeno, and Semenes.

In Spanish orthography, when the stress of a word falls on the penultimate syllable and the word ends with an "N", "S" or a vowel, the word need not carry a diacritic on the vowel of the stressed syllable (in this case é). In English orthography, all variations are commonly written without the diacritic -- Jimenez, Ximenez, Gimenez, Jimenes, Ximenes, and Gimenes.

In Portuguese language orthography, there is no diacritic used for Ximenes.