There are already 17 users and 845 genealogy profiles with the Kennon surname on Geni. Explore Kennon genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Agnes (Bolling) Kennon lived in Virginia.
Agnes Bolling (sometimes called " Mary Agnes" for unknown reasons, source unknown), was born on 30 November 1700, a daughter of Robert Bolling and...
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Anne ‘Nancy’ Collier is my/our 9th cousin 8 times removed.Janet Milburn 8/6/22
She is also Oprah Winfrey's ancestor
John Collier md. 6 Oct 1713 Virginia
Chief of the Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repairs, United States NavyHe died on the U.S.S. Princeton when a 12 inch shell gun exploed. His remains were first buried in the Congressional Cemete...
the November 24, 1890 Evening Star His wife was the daughter of Major Griswold. He was an officer in the United States Navy until the Civil War when he resigned to to join the Confederate forces. After...
BRITANNIA WELLINGTON KENNON===>The Washington Post, Wednesday, February 1, 1911, Funeral of Mrs. Kennon, Services in Home Where She Was Born, Married and DiedMembers of Old Maryland, Virginia and Distr...
My great grand father was Marvin O. Kennon married to Edith A Winslow
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