Kerber family may descend from Kerberos from the tribe of Kháos,Tartaros,Hydra,Aithér and Sphinks perhaps related to tartar tribe of tóda people as well as to famous tartarians in the time of mongol invasions.
Tartaros' name corresponds to byblical A'ar-Arat-Ta meaning the mountain Anag-Ha descended on and wher later en-Sikh-Keshda-Anna ruled in the days of king en-Merkwar.
Jews and christians read 'Ararat,Noakh .
Ceterum censeo : why do I get in Hungary no appropriate medical care for a "simple bronchitis" now after two years of immense suffering in lack of it diagnosed as COPD further more ? Perhaps I am not similar enough to Ferenc Mádl or to any other of the swabian presidents of "hungary"...
Balázs Déri