Kim / Küm / Geum family is descended ,according to tradition,from Kim Alji,born in 1322 BC ,
corresponding to 65 of the current aera of begin in about 1387 BC .
He became the ancestor of some kings of Silla / Singra after having been adopted by the then
ruling king,Seok T'arhae ,ancestor of Tarasca people in Michoacan and elsewhere .
Kim Michu ,a later king of the country was his descendant ,among others,and after him
might Michu-Ake people be named ,of Michoacan .
Kim himself might have been descended from, or / and might have been the chief of
descendants of E-Wa-yak-Qa-Wam-Me from the family of Assha-Leha son of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,
likely founders of Lhasa in Tibet and of Hayato of Japan respectively .
Küm thus might have been formed from his name ,as Qa-Wa-E-Wam-(Me) .
Ewayak-Qawamme ,who might also be the ancestor of Kumük tribe ,ruled in the country of
Am-Ma-ya-'A-Ba ,son of Al-Aya-Ta ,that is approximately identical with the Asian region
South to Altai mountain and to Amur river ,the border of the country in the North ,
called A'ar-Ren-Na in the Byble .
The capital of that country was Ar-Gara ,named after another son of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,
likely ancestor of the Sarmata tribe called Argara-Gant ,in Europe .
Later Sarmatas might have included people of Corean origin as well,as Saram in the present
Corean language means a person .
Together with him there were the people of Ked-Zhe-Ba'e ,that may be the kingdom of Baekje ,
and the tribe of Sher-Pa ,who may be the ancestor of Sherpa families in the country around Lhasa .
Assha-Leha had two sons named in the Byble,such as A-Ler-Ga-Daha ,father of Am-Ma-Ra-Shaha ,
and Er-Gerra,father of Al-Lak-Keha ,after whom Khalkis might well be named .
Coreans called Kulak by Russians in earlier times might be descended from the latter,
as Keha-Wa-Al-Lak .
An earlier king of the region was Hae Kümwa - son of Hae Buru ,son of Hae Mosu - who may
also be one of the ancestors of Küm family on either branch .
Ha(r)e Mosu may be the one called in Théba Harmessés Miamun ,ruling for more than 66 years
between about 1536 and 1470 BC .
His local name was Langa-Masa-Sawa ,and may be the ancestor of So-Langa people of Corea .
As Mosu / Musu was the name of the capital of the Holy Land ,the Golden City of Manoa,sometimes i
dentified with Paititi ( Parintintin ),and in general of the people living around it ,he may also be identical
with Shalam-Mayana ,father or ancestor of Bag-Rad-Zhe ,another ruler of Baegje .
Shalam-Mayana's wife was Ar-Rek-Ha(n)-Ba ,that may be a name for the daughter of Ha(n)ba(r)ek ,
wife of Hae Mosu ,called otherwise Yuhwa .
She might be the ancestress of some people called Arrekh'nbut ,living in the region of Bawa-Te-Lak-Han-Me ,
in the Holy Land of America ,now called Harakmbut ,from Han-Lak-Me-Bawa-Te .
Their son was,as said above ,Hae Buru ,likely ancestor of Buru-Hae tribe among the Katukina ,
while his son in turn, Ha(r)e-Küm(b)wa(t) ,may be the Harekmbut ancestor too .
Shalam-Mayana's ancestor was A-Neg-Ha-Sha-yan-Na ,forefather of the Ashaninga in the
Holy Land - and of Nghanasa in Asia and of Inghasana in the exile of Africa - ,currently speaking the local
Arawak language of the T'hanm'bo tribe ,called Campa .
He amy be identical with the Shang king ,Wo Ding ,ruling until about 1691 BC ,and with Singhu ,
king of Kirat ,and with Deuwango of Chola .
'Küm' means in the Corean langauge 'gold',and corresponds to Araucanian 'cuyum' meaning 'sand' ;
there are similar words of the same meaning in several Asian languages .
There are other similar words in Corean and in Araucanian : DÖ more DOY more,AN sit,ANÜ sit,
HUE after HUE new ,APÜM hurt APÜM finish ,and may be more .
See Kulak,Guerrero,Mocsinka,Csima,King,Seok,Tarasco,Taraska,Park,Pak,Modok,Galera,Lérida,
Szecsei,Burma,Imber,Taliano,Puskar,Puska,Peshawari,Bagó,Bagratuni and others !
Balázs Déri